01 August 2008

Just Jack

Ok so to make the lower post more manageable here is some really good news. I was officially offered a job today. I will be the nanny of a 2.5 year old boy, Jack. I am very excited about this opportunity. It is full time, something that I was not so sure about at first but I feel really comfortable with his mom and with the hours, 8:30-4:30 with occasional Fridays paid off. I'm excited to explore the city with Jack and to help him learn and grow this year. Thanks for all of your support and prayers during this job hunt. I'll keep you updated with stories from Jack.


Unknown said...

I totally love that you have a job! i already miss you and you're not even out of state yet! I love you guys sooo much!
Let the good times roll!
Julianne Werner

Anonymous said...

Just make sure Jack calls you Kimmy!

Urgurlkathryn said...

jack is really cute.... do u liek well... how long do ya babysit him each day?