12 August 2008

The Drive Begins

Our time with Kim's parents was great. We relaxed, did a little yard work, saw friends, read a lot, and feel pretty recharged.
After two weeks in Walla Walla, we set out for DC yesterday with our friends Hunter and Anna. We're currently at our first stop in Denver with Jon and Kelly Frederick. Jon and I have been friends since high school, and Jon, Hunter, and I all lived together during college.
The drive from Walla Walla was long. And by long I mean unending. We spent what felt like four days making our way through southern Idaho. When we finally escaped we made our way though southern Wyoming and then down into Colorado to Denver. Hunter and Anna are great road trip companions. We felt lucky to get both of them in the road trip draft. We picked Anna with the #1 overall pick and then traded our 3rd and 4th round picks to some guys from Tallahassee for Hunter. Anna's a road trip rookie so we don't expect a lot out of her this trip- we've got her on the practice squad and we're bringing her up to speed slowly. Hunter's a seasoned veteran who can really kick it into high gear around hour 19 of driving. We don't even give him bathroom breaks. So far it's worked out well but we'll see how they do as the trip progresses. I'll let you know if they break under the pressure.
Tomorrow we're heading east through Kansas then through Kansas City and on to St. Louis. We'll camp there and then head to Nashville the next day where we'll stay with Hunter's family for a couple days.
Kim and I are really ready to get to DC. We found a fantastic house, but more on that when we actually sign the lease.
Thanks for all your prayers. Things are going well on our end.


Anonymous said...

Hi from LA! A fantastic house? Yes!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear more! Love and Prayers:-) The Fricks

Anonymous said...

Patrick, is the news true? Did you release Hunter? Was there a contract dispute? Will he be back for training camp?

Urgurlkathryn said...

HI!!!! ITS KATHRYN Again!!!!! jsut 2 let u know.....umm.......wat about hunter??? idk.... jonathan jsut won his football game... unlike the huskies..... :( mr gillman would kill me if he knew i was sayin that... lol :)