As many of you know, it snowed recently here. The snow started last Friday as a few friendly flakes leisurely made their way to the ground. On Saturday it kept up and by Sunday we were buried in 2 ½ feet of snow. Like other husbands on the East Coast I used all of Sunday morning to dig my way from our porch, across the yard, all the way around the car and then out to the street that had been recently plowed. On our street, they only plowed one lane down the middle of the road. And with 30 inches of snow you can imagine the piles that accumulate on each side of the plow as it works its way down the road. So in order to get our car out onto said plowed road, I had to cut a huge swath through a veritable mountain of snow created by the plow. The beauty is that after you finally get a path cleared the plow comes through a few hours later and traps your car behind another mountain of snow.
So Kim and I had an indoor weekend. And then classes and work were cancelled on Monday. Kim did a half day of work before coming home on Tuesday (my classes were cancelled) and then both of us sat back wishing we had something to do on Wednesday and Thursday as everything shut down again due to another foot of snow showing up Tuesday night. Only this time it came with a lot of wind in legitimate blizzard conditions. So I dug the car out again on Thursday morning.
At some point in there (Monday?) Kim and I walked to the grocery store along with the rest of the entire population of Arlington. You’ll be glad to know that Kim did not accidentally give birth on an abandoned snowy street in between our house and the grocery store although it was a concern.
What did we do while going crazy inside you might ask. The house is organized better than it has been in a long time and is all ready for a baby. Beforehand there was a lot of ‘Zelda: Twilight Princess’ going unplayed- a situation we were able to remedy. I got some schoolwork done, but let’s be honest, a snow day means no school.
Last Friday we were finally back in action. Kim was at work with Jack and I was at school. More snow came Monday night but it was light and we laughed at its pitiful attempts to stop us. Now we have no snow until the Saturday… So if you’re thinking of coming to visit us (which you should be) maybe don’t come until August which is the earliest I can guarantee that these piles will be gone.
Thanks for all your calls and emails. We love hearing from you guys.
Adios for now.

A few shots of the car from the week. The first two are from the first storm and the second is after/during the second storm.

Patrick digging us out, literally.

Patrick digging us out after the second storm. The cove our car is in will be there for the next 100 years probably.
I don't think these pictures do justist to the crazy amount of snow and huge piles of ice we have here.
Here is a picture from this week (Feb. 20th). Jack was doing a great job helping Patrick shovel away all the snow. A good Jack quote, "The snow LOVES the water!" with a delighted squeal as he puts the snow in the gutter that was like a little river taking the snow away. Another good Jack quote from the week, "I think I'm going to be in heaven before this snow is gone!" said with a sarcastic voice he could have only learned from me. Funny.
1 comment:
"I think I'm going to be in heaven before this snow is gone!" said with a sarcastic voice he could have only learned from me. Funny.
Ha. That is great! Smart kid.
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