That's Outer Banks for you West Coasters. Last Wednesday night we were at our friends house and they said they were going to the Outer Banks that weekend (Memorial Day). Some connections fired off in my head, something like this:
1. Do I have Monday off too...?
2. Don't that Johnsons live there?
3. Isn't Peter in Richmond now?
4. Isn't Richmond half way between Washington and the Outer Banks?
Then finally, "Patrick let's go see Bethany and Zack and pick up Peter on the way!!"
So two days later we packed up the Civic and headed down south. Turns out Peter and his dad were already there. Great! For those of you who don't know, Peter is one of Patrick's closest friends. Ken Rowan, Peter's dad, is the "B" in BCRA, my father in laws architect firm. So the whole family are really good friends.
To sum up the weekend, we drove for a long time in traffic to hang out with some awesome friends and play on the beach. Aydan was perfect. She is setting some high expectations for us these days. She didn't cry at all, she slept 11 hours two of the three nights and she was very happy to be held by anyone who wanted to snuggle her. We all loved the beach. It was Aydan's first time and she loved it! We tried surfing. Patrick was pretty good and I was terrible. I blame it on my lack of muscles still...
It was a great weekend and we are thankful for our friends for taking us in. : )
ps i didn't have time to check this so sorry if there are errors. : )
Just hanging out on the surf board.
In her little beach seat. It was perfect because the sun shade was huge and keeps the sun out of her face.
The girls watching the boys surfing. Did I mention Bethany is pregnant? She's having a little boy in October!!