By now you all know we have a little girl on the way. I am almost 25 weeks along. She will be coming around the end of March or begain of April. Patrick and I are very excited as are our parents, family and friends. There has not been a girl in the Connally family for 82 years!! So, yes, we are all very very excited. Here are some common questions people have had and my answers:
- How were/are you feeling?
I was never really sick until like 16 weeks when everything I smelled or put in my mouth made me throw up, even some sounds make me throw up... weird. During this time I didn't have any real cravings it was more like there were only a few things I could eat with out throwing up.
For the last month or so I've been feeling really really good. I've had way more energy and have been able to go on longer walks and eat almost anything. Which makes me and the baby and Patrick very happy. Patrick was great during those first weeks, he helped out a lot around the house and made dinner most mornings for us to eat that night. Amazing.
- Do you have any names picked out?
We have been having a very hard time coming up with girl names, so no, we don't have any names... not even a list of names we like...
Patrick has said that once we've decided on a name we will not tell anyone. But at this rate you will find out when we do, a day or so after she is born. : )
- Do you have a room for her?
We will have her in a little bassinet with us for the first few months until Patrick gets done with school in mid May. Then we will move our guest room down to where his office is now and we will make a nursery of the what is now a guest room. So, there will be a room for all of you when you come to visit, even after baby.
Well, I think that about does it for questions. If you have any others then please post them and I will get back to you. : )
A few quick fun stories:
The Sunday morning after we found out the baby was a girl, we were woken by a knock on the door, it was Jack, the little guy I nanny. He had a little outfit in his hand with his arm extended toward us. The outfit has little panda heads on the feet, and when we asked Jack where the baby's feet went he said, "In the panda slippers." Too cute!
Last Tuesday night we were packing for Nashville and I laid down to rest and the baby was kicking like crazy. It was really cool because it was the first time we could actually see her kicking. My belly was dancing around like Frosty when he has his hat on (ok I'm listening to that song right now). So Patrick and I obviously sat there for like 30 mins just watching her getting it done.
I was going to have Patrick edit this and write in his own thoughts but he has a final paper due tomorrow and a huge final next week so he won't have time to do look it over, so forgive the poor grammar and ramblings. I will say for him though that he is very excited to be a daddy. He is going to be great! I would say the best dad but then that would make him better than my dad and his dad so maybe just a tie for the best with both of them. : )
Here are some pictures of her first sonogram at 11 weeks:

Here's the belly at 16 Weeks
Belly at 20 Weeks
This is the sonogram from Nov. 6th when we found out she was a girl. She had been waving to us right before we turned the camera on. It's not the best video but it's still pretty cool.